At BH Fitness, we continue our efforts to advance in the integration of tools that enrich the user experience. That’s why we have incorporated all our professional product ranges, Movemia and Inertia, as well as the rest of the lines that complement them, thus offering an innovative solution to fitness industry professionals.

An Ultimate B2B Sales Tool

Ecdesign is an innovative solution that not only simplifies planning and design but also provides the ability to visualize a gym in real time throughout the design process. This allows you to experiment with and adjust equipment placement, space distribution, and other key elements, ensuring that every detail fits perfectly to your needs and expectations before making any purchasing decisions.

We make our entire range available to any physical or private entity within the Ecdesign environment. This enables the creation of customized projects through the design tool’s payment plans. It offers a 30-day free trial, a per-project subscription (3 months), and an annual subscription.

  • Customized Design: Ecdesign allows fitness professionals to design fully customized gyms according to their clients’ needs and preferences, maximizing space utilization and efficiency.
  • Visualization: Users can see a three-dimensional representation of how the gym will look before purchasing equipment.
  • Space Optimization: Ecdesign helps maximize space utilization, which can result in better equipment distribution and ultimately increased revenue potential for gym owners.

Free Training at Ecdesign Academy

The 3D-floor plan design tool offers a academy with 100% free training for those who want to make the most of the platform. Instructors with over 18 years of experience in space design provide instructional videos explaining exactly how to use Ecdesign.

BH Fitness and Ecdesign are committed to providing innovative solutions that make gym planning and design more accessible and effective than ever. This integration is set to revolutionize the way gyms are built and equipped, giving customers the opportunity to create and visualize the fitness space they desire.